
Picture this: Your heart starts racing, your thoughts go on overdrive, and you feel like you're on a roller coaster that's hit the turbo button.

If this sounds familiar, guess what? You're not alone!

Anxiety is like that uninvited friend who shows up at the party—almost everyone's had a run-in with it. It can pop up in different ways, from everyday worries to those moments when you feel like you're carrying the weight of the world.

Maybe you’re feeling like work stress is taking over your life. That pressure, deadlines, and responsibilities are taking a toll on your well-being. You might find yourself constantly overwhelmed by the demands of your job and it’s hard to remember when was the last time you got a good night’s sleep. If so, it’s time to pause and take care of yourself.

Perhaps the pressures of academic life are leaving you overwhelmed and anxious.

You find yourself questioning if you’re making the “right” decision about your future. Maybe you find yourself constantly putting things off. Education is a path to a brighter future, but it's okay to admit that it also brings its fair share of stress.

Close up of overwhelmed and worried student with elbows on desk and hands on her head and pile of books and notebooks on each side.

Anxiety isn't here to just rain on your parade. It's your body's response to stress, change, or uncertainty. It's like your internal alarm system saying, "Hey, we need to be on alert right now." Sometimes it gets a bit too excited, and at times this internal alarm that goes off is actually malfunctioning. But we're here to help you calm it down. 

At Arevalo Counseling & Mentoring, LLC we understand the challenges you're facing, and we're here to provide you with the support and guidance you need to gain relief. Therapy isn't about making anxiety vanish. Working with us in therapy is about giving you practical tools to better manage your anxiety. Breathing exercises, mindfulness, and thought reframing are just a few of the skills you'll learn.

Our approaches will help you discover the power of your thoughts and how they influence your feelings, as well as challenge negative thought patterns and replace them with healthier alternatives. We will collaborate strategies to help you find the balance you need to excel without burning out.

Benefits of therapy for anxiety can include:

  • Peace of Mind

  • Stress Reduction

  • Effective Coping Skills

  • Improved Relationships

  • Enhanced Decision Making

Your More Peaceful Tomorrow is Within Reach.

Smiling Asian woman relaxing on couch with hands behind her head and eyes closed

"Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength."

~ Charles Spurgeon